That's not a typo. Even the shots I love, I hate. Let me explain, or at least try to.
In today's landscape of instant gratification, social media, likes & loves, it's too easy to get a false sense of security in your art.
Comments, Likes, Loves...these are all great things. They show folks are engaged enough with my photos to interact, and I love interacting with all of you. I must be posting good stuff, right?
This is how it goes from my side. By the time a photo makes its way to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or my website, I've already seen it at least four times (likely more). I have analyzed it, edited it, perhaps edited it a second or third time, placed a watermark on it, and made it into a web-friendly size.
All I see by this point is what's wrong with it. 'Oh, I could have done this to make it better' or 'I wish I had done this' or 'I missed this opportunity' or 'If my shutter speed was X instead of Y this would have happened'.
Allow me to present one of my most popular photos: David R's Patina Oval.
The FIRST EVER Patina car to be featured in Hot VWs Magazine
This shot was a big deal. It was the FIRST EVER Patina car to get a feature in Hot VWs Magazine. The first, EVER.
I spent over three hours editing this shot. I've sold quite a few prints of this photo, I have it framed and hanging in my home, and it was a two-page spread in the magazine.
All I see is the shadow across the old screen door to the left of the bug's hood. I could have killed that shadow with a fourth flash inside the barn, but I completely missed it at the time. It's still an awesome shot, and I love it, but at the same time I hate it.
Does that make sense? I don't know, but that's how it is in my head.
I'm like this with Every. Single. Photo. It's never good enough. I love it, and I hate it.
Maybe it's a case of being a perfectionist, or my own worst critic, but that's a job somebody has to do. Right?
I try to take it as an opportunity to learn, and plan for future photo shoots and events. Gathering up all that introspection and self criticism, and turning it into a positive during the next shoot, and the next shoot, and the next event, and the next event... Remember what I learned from this shot, and that shot, and apply it here.
Always evaluating, always learning, always humble, always grateful for your attention.
Are you ready? I'm ready.
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